- District Offices - 1621 Riverton Road Cinnaminson, NJ 08077
The inspector will also check on the visibility of outside house address numbers. House numbers must be visible and readable from the street, Arabic Numerals, a contrasting color to from the background they are mounted to, and at least 3 inches in height. Numbers must be mounted 30 inches above grade and be visible in direct line of sight from the street. They cannot be obstructed by trees or bushes.
Failure to ensure that the above items are addressed prior to the inspection will result in a failure. In this case a reinspection appointment must be made, and a reinspection fee will be assessed. Therefore, it is imperative that you pay attention to the items described above.
Failure to obtain this permit will result in a penalty of between $500 and $2,500 per occurrence.
Please address all questions to the phone number below.